Avery is 3!
So this post is a bit overdue since Avery turned 3 on July 5, but life has not been the most conducive to blogging as of late! We're looking forward to moving into our new place in 2 days, though, and it's the calm before the storm, I guess. Sarah and Kyla are in Charlotte for a few days and I'm hanging out with Avery at my in-laws' house. Avery is certainly not the easiest child to photograph. If you know us well, you know of all the struggles we've had with her health - allergies, digestion issues, extreme eczema. She generally hasn't felt well for the past 2 years, but it's summer time and her allergies are not too bad and her eczema has been the best its been since we lived in California 2 years ago. So I took advantage of the moment and took her out for a few photos. Here she is, our 3-year-old! It's been a blast having some time to her by myself. She has such a great personality and has had me cracking up most of the time!