Happy Birthday Sarah!
Today is my wife's 31st birthday! I won't tell you how old she is because she'd kill me! But I thought I'd take a second today and tell the world how wonderful she really is! I realized the other day that come this February, we will have been together for 13 years! We're going on 9 years of marriage and our third child is on the way. I never imagined that my life could ever be so intertwined with another or dependent on another. Sarah is a constant, steady encouragement to me. She inspires me to love more and believe bigger.
Without her constant support, I would have never pursued photography in this way. I always loved taking pictures and I thought I was pretty good with a camera, but I didn't really believe I could make a living with photography. She has been behind me all the way and now I'm so excited and thankful that she gets to be beside me when we shoot weddings! She has become such a great photographer over the past few years and I couldn't imagine doing all of this without her.
I could go on and on about what a phenomenal mom she is and how strong she has been through so many trials of parenthood. She is the driving force behind our daughters' joy, and I can't wait to meet Davis Baby #3! That kid has no idea what a great mom he/she is getting!
So, if you haven't done so already, be sure to send Sarah a quick email letting her know how awesome she is! Happy Birthday Sarah!